Buncombe County -- Buncombe County Government Community News January 4, 2022

In a move that could better align Buncombe County’s Commissioner Districts with its demographics, the Board of Commissioners is retaining legal counsel to provide options about potential district realignment.
During their meeting on Jan. 4, Commissioners approved hiring Poyner Spruill to facilitate a demographic study of Buncombe County and draft a resolution recommending how Commissioners’ districts should be drawn based on the firm’s research.

Commission Chair Brownie Newman noted that Buncombe is the only North Carolina county that has its Commissioner districts tied to state House of Representative maps that are drafted by the state’s General Assembly.
“Those districts were declared unconstitutional by North Carolina courts due to gerrymandering,” said Newman.

Commissioners unanimously approved hiring Poyner Spruill. You can read the agreement with Poyner Spruill

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