News -- Dec 5, 2021: Bob Dole, a former Kansas senator who endured crippling wounds during World War II, died today. 

He was 98. 

His wife, Elizabeth Dole, said in an announcement posted on social media that he died early Sunday morning in his sleep. Bob Dole was a decorated war hero, during his 36 years in the Senate, Dole become an enduring political leader for the Republican Party.

The former Republican senator ran unsuccessfully three times for president and was known for his cutting wit and self-deprecating humor.

His family also released a statement:

"Bob Dole never forgot where he came from. He embodied the integrity, humor, compassion and unbounded work ethic of the wide open plains of his youth," the statement said. "He was a powerful voice for pragmatic conservatism, and it was that unique Kansan combination of attributes and values that made him such a giant of the Senate."

Photo Credit "Bob Dole Churton" by Visit Hillsborough is licensed with CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit

wnctimes Marjorie Farrington 12/5/2021

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