Aurora, Colorado -- Aurora Police released a statement Monday, November 15, 2021 after six teens were shot in Nome Park.

According to the police, the shooting was most likely a drive-by in the park. The shooting occurred at approximately 12:45 pm.

Police officers responded to the 911 calls included School Rescource Officers from Aurora Central High School, alonng with officers around the city.

Five victims were taken by ambulance, one was self transported and treated at the hospital.

Shell casings of various calibers were found, video surveillance footage, witnesses are in the process of inteviews and evidence studied. Possible suspects on foot in the park is also a possibility in the shooting.

Detectives and the Major Crimes Unit will work together on the investigation. 

All victims are students at Aurora Central High School. The victims are only being identified as the following:
Male – 14-years old
Female – 15-years old
Male – 16-years old
Female – 16 years old
Male – 17-years old
Male – 18-years old

Auroa Police Department:

Detectives are asking anyone who may have observed this incident, and have not yet spoken to police, to please reach out to the Aurora Police Major Crimes Unit or the Metro Denver Crime Stoppers at 720.913.STOP (7867), where tipsters can remain anonymous and still be eligible for a reward of up to $2,000. We are also asking residents in the area of Nome Park to please review any exterior cameras they may have and notify law enforcement if they believe they have any information that could assist detectives.

We want to thank all our officers who responded to this chaotic scene and those that performed life-saving measures. We also want to thank Aurora Fire Rescue, Falck Rocky Mountain, Aurora Public Schools and other metro-area first responders that assisted us with this incident. Aurora Police will increase patrol in the area of Aurora Central High School and Nome Park in the coming days. Please continue to keep those impacted by this tragedy in your thoughts.

wnctimes report: Marjorie Farrington November 16, 2021

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