MACON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE -- Announced on their Face Book account at approximately 10:30 a.m. that a body was found Thursday afternoon. Read the report below


Officers with the Macon County Sheriff’s Office and Franklin Police Department responded around 4pm Thursday afternoon to an area of Macon County where a body was discovered by two individuals camping at the old abandoned campground located on NP&L Loop Road. Sheriff Robert L. Holland requested the assistance of the State Bureau of Investigation who immediately responded to assist in the investigation. Investigators were unable to determine the identity or sex of the deceased at this time.

Autopsy will be conducted in Wake Forest this morning and additional information may be determined. Sheriff Robert Holland states, “We are limited in what information we can release at this time but will do so when it’s appropriate.

Anyone who may have information regarding any missing persons or any other information that may be related to this investigation should call the MCSO at 349-2104 or by calling our CrimeStoppers hotline at 349-2600.”

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