Robbers Steal Tip Jar from Street Performer in Asheville
Asheville -- November 8, 2021: Asheville Police Department reported a theft from a street performer. Three men took the tip
jar, after assaulting the male street performer, throwing him to the ground. He was taken to Mission for treatment.
Asheville Polce responded to a call at 4:01 pm on Sunday, November 7, 2021 to Patton Avenue, the 43rd block.
Police are asking for help to find the robbers.
Description of the men:
Two white me, one with sandy hair, one black man.
All three men were wearing black jackest, blue jeans and all had masks on their face.
If you would like to anonymously share information you can text TIP2APD to 847411, or use the TIP2APD smartphone app. You can also share information by calling 828-252-1110.
wnctimes Marjorie Farrington