Asheville -- October 15, 2021 Asheville Police Department

October 10, 2021 Asheville Police reported to gun fire in Asheville. A resident of Louisville Place neighborhood called the department saying that a bullet came through the wall of his home.

The standard AR-15 bullet travels at 3,251 feet per second.

The Asheville Police investigation found that a neighbor had been "showing off" his AR-15 when he accidentally fired the gun. 

The owner of the gun is a convicted felon. Along with the AR-15, police found 2 more guns and a box of gun parpherhalia.

Christopher Allen Ducker faces a number of charges:

Discharge Firearm in the City

Possession of Firearm by a Felon

Discharging a Weapon into Occupied Property

.308 Remington Bolt-Action Rifle
5.56 Ruger AR-15
Ducker is currently in the Buncombe County Detention Center being held on a $30,000 secured bond.

*Editor's Note: A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.

A copy of the Asheville Police Department Report below:

Asheville Police Department officers responded to Louisville Place on October 10th, 2021 at 8:54 PM for a gun discharge call that came in from a home owner in that area stating a bullet hole had just appeared in his wall. After further investigation officers were able to determine that the stray bullet came from the home of a neighbor, Christopher Allen Ducker.

Ducker was showing off an AR-15 to his friends and accidentally fired the gun. The round went through his wall, through a privacy fence, and then ultimately ended up in his neighbors wall. Ducker, who is a felon. Officers seized 2 additional guns and a box of gun paraphernalia.
Discharge Firearm in the City
Possession of Firearm by a Felon
Discharging a Weapon into Occupied Property
.308 Remington Bolt-Action Rifle
5.56 Ruger AR-15
Ducker is currently in the Buncombe County Detention Center being held on a $30,000 secured bond.

wnctimes Marjorie Farrington

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