Asheville -- Asheville Police Department October 7, 2021

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Officers were following up with community complaints on October 6th they had received from an Asheville Neighborhood when they located Eric Lee Anderson, Sr. and Lawrence Sinceer Gardner who are both fugitives. One of the men Anderson, Sr. was on The Buncombe County's Probations Most Wanted List. The arrest resulted in the seizure of a Glock pistol that was located on Gardner, who was on probation.
Eric Lee Anderson Sr (6/27/1981)
-Warrant: Felony Probation Violation x4
-Warrant: Parole Committee Violation
-Warrant: Interfere with Electronic Monitoring Device
-Warrant: Civil Non-Support
-Charged: Driving while License Revoked
-Charged: Simple Possession of Sch. VI
Lawrence Sinceer Gardner (1/7/2003)
-Charged: Possession of Firearm by Felon
-Warrant: Probation Violation
Both are being held at the Buncombe County Detention Center. Anderson, Sr. is being held on a $60,107 secure bond and Gardner on a $10,000 secured bond.

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