McDowell County -- McDowell County Sheriff’s Office investigators need to know the identity of the woman caught on camera at the scene of a theft.

                A Shady Lane resident reported on Saturday, June 19 that someone broke into an RV on her property and stole two simulation automated external defibrillators (AEDs).
                This female suspect was caught on camera going through another vehicle at the house.
                Anyone with information concerning the crimes or the identity of the suspect is asked to call Detective Ryan Lambert at 652-2237 or McDowell County Crime Stoppers at 65-CRIME (652-7463). You can also text your tips to Crime Stoppers. Text TIP MCDOWELLSO and your information to 888777. With Crime Stoppers, your identity remains anonymous, and you could receive a cash reward.
McDowell County Sheriff's Office
593 Spaulding Rd
Marion, NC 28752

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 828-652-2235

Richelle Bailey
McDowell County Sheriff's Office

call 652-2237; cash reward (click link for info) Reply with TIP


*Information posted by McDowell Sheriff's Office June 25, 2021 9:14 am

By Marjorie Farrington 

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