RALEIGH -- Sep 5, 2018 - A North Carolina State Trooper and a few Good Samaritans are to be held as heroes for saving the life of a woman caught in rapids while tubing in the Tuckasegee River near Bryson City.


North Carolina Department of Safety Press Release


On Tuesday, September 4 at approximately 1:15 p.m., Trooper J. T. Gibbs was traveling on US 19 near the Governor’s Island Bridge in Swain County when he was flagged down and notified a woman was drowning in the river. Gibbs exited his patrol vehicle and observed Lindsey Lamm Woolard, 35, of Wilmington, trapped partially under a log jam.


Gibbs immediately obtained his issued swift water equipment consisting of a life preserver and throw rope. After carefully crawling onto the log jam, Gibbs reached Woolard and placed the life preserver around her. Using the throw rope, Gibbs and other civilians were able to free her from the water’s current and pull her to safety.

Woolard was treated and released by EMS at the scene.


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