HICKORY --ย Hickory Police News Room August 31, 2018ย 


Hickory โ€“ On Friday, August 31, 2018 at approximately 5:20 A.M., Hickory Police responded to Aquarium Skill Fish Games located at 306 HWY 70 SW reference an armed robbery. During the robbery, the suspects entered the business, displayed weapons and obtained an undisclosed amount of money. The suspects left the property in an older model red passenger car. An armed security guard for the business fired several round at the suspects as they left the property with no injuries or property damage.

The suspects were both wearing dark colored clothing, to include items covering their faces. One suspect displayed a handgun, while the other displayed a rifle.

Hickory Police have been in communication with authorities from the Catawba County Sheriffโ€™s Office reference a similar incident that occurred earlier this week.

Anyone with information regarding this on-going investigation is encouraged to call the Hickory Police Department at 828-328-5551 or contact Inv. D. Bailey directly at 828-261-2687 or dbailey@hickorync.gov.

Inv. Contact:

Darren Bailey
Criminal Investigations Division
(828) 261-2687


*Tuesday mornings, the Hook Arcade on Springs Road was robbed.ย 



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