Woofstock is BACK!ย  Saturday September 15, 2018 @ 3 pm Sylva, NC A Fundraiser for ARF Humane Society of Jackson Countyย 


    ***Renowned local artist Lindsay McCardle will be painting LIVE during the event, producing one of her wonderful unique custom pieces that will be available for bids at our annual silent auction in mid November***

    Come join us at Soul Infusion for a fun afternoon and evening of fabulous live music, great food and drinks, door prizes, 50/50 raffle, and much more.

    ARF (Humane Society of Jackson County) is the county's only humane society and we rely entirely on donations, fundraising, small grants, and volunteers to provide low cost spay/neuter services, and rescue, foster, and adoption programs to the local community. We help over 1000 animals each year, but we need your help to do it. And here's a fun way to help us!

    $5 per person, $8 per couple (children free) suggested minimum donation (100% benefiting ARF) will get you hours of wonderful live music from local bands Bird in Hand, PMA and more. Door prizes every hour, so hang around all afternoon and don't lose your ticket! Bring your dogs along to join in the fun and have their pictures taken by talented local photographers.

    Soul Infusion's extensive regular menu of food and drinks will be available at regular prices, but in addition we will have a special guest beer courtesy of Innovation Brewing, and a fantastic barbecue special from Tori and friends. A percentage of all food and drink sales from the evening will be kindly donated to ARF, so come along and eat and drink your fill, and help dogs at the same time. DON'T FORGET TO BRING YOUR LAWN CHAIRS AND PICNIC BLANKETS SO YOU'RE NICE AND COMFY FOR THE WHOLE AFTERNOON!

    To find out more about us and see our adoptable dogs, visit us at a-r-f.org or our FB page https://m.facebook.com/arf.pets/

    Can't wait to see you!

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