TAKOMA PARK, M.D. – Press Release December 31, 2020 Congressman Jamie Raskin's Office: 

With profound sorrow, Congressman Jamie Raskin (MD-08) and

Sarah Bloom Raskin today announced the loss of their son Thomas (Tommy) Bloom Raskin, 25, who was a second-year student at Harvard Law School and a graduate of Amherst College.

“Tommy was pure magic. His brilliance and compassion knew no bounds. He passionately loved his family, friends, and animals, and was devoted to the cause of the global poor.  We are devastated and demolished to be without him.”

Tommy is survived by his beloved sisters Hannah and Tabitha, dozens of loving aunts, uncles, cousins, friends and grandparents Arlene Bloom and Lynn Raskin. The family is grateful for the outpouring of support and love from neighbors, constituents, and friends but asks everyone to observe strict COVID-19 protocols during this time of grief.

Funeral and memorial service arrangements will be released in due course.

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