Asheville -- City of Asheville: In response to the pandemic, earlier this year the City of Asheville created its AVL Shares

    Space outdoor expansion initiatives to support safe business operations and customer access in alignment with public health COVID-19 guidelines. Launched in spring 2020, its initial trial period was extended from Oct. 31 to Jan. 3, 2021, with winter guidance. There are currently more than 90 businesses authorized to participate. 

    In the interest of supporting the local economy, enabling viable options for businesses to operate, and continuing to facilitate safe access to services for the public, the initiatives will now be extended into 2021 for the duration of the Local State of NC Emergency issued by Buncombe County and the City of Asheville. Once the Local State of Emergency has been lifted, participating establishments will have 30 days to restore to pre-expansion conditions. 

    The AVL Shares Space initiatives include the following:

    Outdoor expansion on private property;
    Outdoor expansion on adjacent public sidewalk;
    Outdoor expansion into adjacent on-street parking spaces (temporary โ€œparkletsโ€);
    Expansion into on-street parking spaces along a designated pedestrian priority zone (โ€œshared streetsโ€); and
    Curbside Pick-Up Zones.

    Existing AVL Shares Space participants can apply for winter authorization here, and businesses and organizations can find applications for new outdoor expansion areas at the Cityโ€™s Development Portal here. On-going adjustments to these temporary initiatives will continue to be made as-needed.

    Winter Safety Guidelines for all businesses operating outdoors are available here. 

    Find the latest AVL Shares Space updates and opportunities for feedback at 

    COVID-19 positive cases have been continuing to rise at a state and local level. It is critical that everyone follow the local and state guidance to keep businesses and the community safe. Visit for more information 

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