Rutherford County Free COVID-19 Drive Thru Testing
Rutherford County, NC -- Rutherford County Government: Wednesday July 15, 2020 10 a.m. until 12 pm Free COVID-19 Drive Thru Testing. Rutherford County Emergency Operations Center COVID19@rutherfordcounty@rutherfordcountync.org
Forest City Housing Authority
147 E. Spruce Street
Forest City, North Carolina
For Free Transportation to testing site Call Transit 828-287-6339
- Testing is FREE
- Citizens will not have to leave their car, but simply drive thru the testing line.
- You do not have to quarantine while you await your test results, unless you are symptomatic or live in the same household as a current confirmed positive patient.
- All workers conducting the testing are in PPE and the process is sterilized between cars/patients.
- Results are taking approximately 3-4 business days to be returned.
- Foothills Health District calls all participants directly to inform them of their test results.
- If you have any questions, please email us at covid19@rutherfordcountync.gov.
photo credit: unsplash