RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — A โ€œTop Chefโ€ contestantโ€™s restaurant in North Carolina has permanently closed down due to revenue losses amid the coronavirus pandemic.

    Katsuji Tanabe told The News & Observer on Wednesday that his business partner decided to shut down Raleighโ€™s High Horse restaurant due to the money losses. The restaurant had opened in North Carolinaโ€™s capital city in November 2019.

    โ€œHigh Horse was a profitable restaurant,โ€ Tanabe told the newspaper. โ€œBut sometimes itโ€™s not about cooking or being a good service to the community, you have bosses and partners. My partner didnโ€™t feel like trying to reopen and do it all over again.โ€

    Restaurants across the country started shutting down their doors in March to slow the spread of the coronavirus outbreak. Some have since reopened with takeout options and limited capacity seating.

    Tanabe told the newspaper High Horse tried offering takeout, but discovered that wasnโ€™t what diners wanted from a restaurant known for its live experiences.

    He said he doesnโ€™t have a project in mind for another restaurant, but has plans to stay in the Raleigh area.

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