NCDHHS Announces Operation Fan Heat Relief Distributing Fans Through October
Raleigh, NC
May 25, 2018
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services’ Division of Aging and Adult Services is partnering with the N.C. Area Agencies on Aging and local service providers to distribute fans through Operation Fan Heat Relief until Oct. 31.
People 60 and older, as well as adults with disabilities, are eligible to sign up for assistance through the end of October at local aging agencies across the state. Since 1986, the relief program has purchased fans for older adults and adults with disabilities, providing them with a more comfortable living environment and reducing heat-related illnesses.
The program is made possible by donations from Duke Energy Carolinas, Duke Energy Progress, Dominion Resources and the Valassis Giving Committee, which allow regional area agencies on aging, and provider agencies to purchase fans for eligible individuals.
Last year, the division received $85,600 in donations, allowing for the distribution of 5,033 fans and 27 air conditioners.
For more details, people should contact their area agency on aging or Lisa Worth, Housing Program Consultant, Division of Aging and Adult Services, at 919-855-3419.
More information about Operation Fan Heat Relief, including tips on preparing for extreme heat and a list of local agencies distributing fans, is available at www.ncdhhs.gov/operation-fan-and-heat-relief.