LOCUST, N.C. (AP) — A suspect escaped from a hit and run in a North Carolina McDonald’s parking lot last month. But police aren’t looking for who’s responsible.

Ken Worthy was leaving the restaurant in Locust with his wife and a Diet Coke in hand, when he saw something approaching him, the victim told news outlets.

“I mean, just see the flash of him rolling over me and in a straight line, and he was gone,” Worthy told WSOC-TV.

What he saw coming wasn’t a car, but a frenzied deer that had run startled, likely from woods nearby, and stopping for nothing in its way. Security video taken from the store showed the animal barreling toward Worthy before plowing him over him and continuing on.

Worthy and his wife were surprised, but not hurt during the incident, he told the station. In fact, he didn’t even spill his Diet Coke.

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