WAYNESVILLE, N.C. (AP) — Police in North Carolina are still looking for a man who impersonated a law enforcement officer.

The Citizen Times in Asheville reported Wednesday that the Haywood County Sheriff’s Office is still investigating the incident that occurred last month.

Authorities have conducted interviews and reviewed hours of surveillance footage. But no new information has been recovered.

Authorities said the man had pulled a woman over and told her to get out of her car at gunpoint. He was driving a silver Dodge Charger with dark tinted windows and white strobe lights.

The sheriff’s office said the man wore a black button up collared shirt, cargo pants and silver badge. He also had a gun on his belt.

Authorities said the man pulled out his gun and told the woman to “get out of the car.” The woman drove off only for the man to briefly chase her in his car.

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