Macon County Sheriff's Office -- Nov 19, 2019 : Law enforcement are actively searching for a suspect after she fled the courthouse following receiving an active sentence on other charges. Kaitlin Fitzgibbons was arrested as recently as yesterday for stealing ginseng but bonded immediately on those charges (True Bill of Indictment).

Fitzgibbons appeared today for her scheduled court hearing and received an active sentence by Judge Coward. Fitzgibbons was handcuffed and escorted from the courtroom outside to the Detention Center Transport vehicle. The officer who was escorting her was attempting to unlock and open the door of the transport vehicle when Fitzgibbons fled. Officer immediately gave chase but was unable to apprehend her. Fitzgibbons was last seen running on Riverview Street and into the woods near Depot Extension. Following an extensive search by MCSO, FPD and NCSHP, Fitzgibbons was unable to be located. Law enforcement will continue searching throughout the night and following up on any information received. Anyone who has any information as to her whereabouts are encouraged to contact 911 immediately. Anyone found to be assisting her will face prosecution. Additional charges are now pending which includes Felony Escape.  


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