RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — North Carolina health officials say a third person has died from an outbreak of Legionnairesโ€™ disease linked to a hot tub display at a fair.

    The Department of Health and Human Services confirmed the third death to news outlets Monday.

    The department says 140 cases of Legionnairesโ€™ have been confirmed in 19 North Carolina counties and โ€œmultiple states.โ€ It says in addition to the three deaths, 94 people have been hospitalized.

    The agency says the cases are connected to people who attended the Mountain State Fair last month in Fletcher. It says testing found Legionalla bacteria in one water sample at the fair and those who were diagnosed with the disease may have walked by the hot tub displays.

    The department says they wonโ€™t release any information on the victims.

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