Asheville --ย Press Release: Asheville Police Department: Asheville Police arrested a juvenile early Friday morning on multiple charges related

to vehicle theft, firearms, and drug possession following

ย a larceny investigation in South Asheville.

Officers responded to an apartment complex near the 1200 block of Hendersonville Road around 2:31 a.m. on February 14th to investigate a reported larceny in progress. Callers stated that two vehicles had been broken into and that the suspect then fled.ย 

Upon arrival, officers found the juvenile inside a vehicle, where he was using a diagnostic device connected to the carโ€™s computer in an attempt to steal it. When officers made contact with him, he attempted to flee on foot, discarding a firearm and a backpack containing burglary tools, car theft equipment, and 7.6 grams of fentanyl just before hiding in a nearby wooded area. Officers quickly took him into custody and retrieved the discarded backpack.

In cooperation with the Department of Juvenile Justice, the following charges were levied:

-Felonyย Breaking and Entering of Motor Vehicle
-Felony Trafficking Schedule II
-Felony Possession with Intent to Sell or Deliver Schedule II
-Felony Attempted Larceny of Motor Vehicle
-Injury to Property
-Preparation of Breaking and Entering of Motor Vehicle
-Possession of Firearm by Minor
-Carrying Concealed Gun
-Resist, Delay, Obstruct

-Glock Model 36 pistol
-7.6g of fentanyl
Note:ย  The name of the arrestee will not be listed because of being a juvenile. The juvenile has been turned over to the custody of the Department of Juvenile Justice.ย 

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