Historic Johnson Farm will host the fourth annual Mother’s Day Market on Saturday, May 11th from 10 AM-4 PM, rain or shine.

This outdoor craft fair will showcase over 25 local vendors. A diverse array of crafts will be available, including jewelry, ceramics, leather items, wooden décor, baked goods, and more.

The event will take place outdoors at the farm. Hot dogs (donated by Hot Dog World), chips, and drinks will be available for purchase to support the farm’s operating fund. Stop by the farm table to purchase a plant from the Johnson Farm gardeners or a farm logo item like a mug or magnet. The Heritage Weavers & Fiber Artists will have their gift shop open with plenty of fiber gifts for purchase. In addition to the numerous crafters, the historic farmhouse will be open for self-guided tours including the Johnson’s 1924 Model T that was recently returned to the farm.

Parking will be available across the street at Rugby Middle School, and volunteers from the Sheriff’s Office will help visitors cross the street. Handicapped parking is available at the farm.

Historic Johnson Farm is located at 3346 Haywood Road, Hendersonville, NC 28791. It features 15 acres of forest, fields, and streams, 10 historic structures, animals and picnic tables. The farm was a gift to schoolchildren and the community by the late Vernon and Leander Johnson.

For more information, call 828-891-6585 

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