Black Mountain -- The town of Black Mountain in North Carolina is more than just a picturesque destination.

Its name is derived from the mysterious and dark appearance of the red spruce and Fraser fir trees on the upper slopes of the Black Mountain range.

The name Black Mountain finds its roots in the distinctive dark green color of the red spruce and Fraser fir trees that form a dense spruce-fir forest on the upper reaches of the mountain range. Unlike deciduous trees at lower elevations that shed their leaves in winter, these evergreen trees maintain their dark hue year-round. The contrast in color between the dark green of the spruce-fir forest and the barren deciduous trees in winter creates a striking and seemingly dark appearance when viewed from a distance. This unique natural phenomenon became the defining characteristic that inspired the name Black Mountain.

Black Mountain was originally known as Grey Eagle to the Cherokee and Catawba Native Americans who lived and hunted here in great numbers. 

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