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  • Asheville Downtown Association: Congratulations to āœØCharmed Boutique āœØ for winning $500 in the second of four drawings in the Shop Small, Win Big program in partnership with @bankofamerica! šŸŽ‰
    There are still TWO CHANCES to win! šŸ’°
    1. Shop Small...
    Asheville Downtown Association: Congratulations to āœØCharmed Boutique āœØ for winning $500 in the second of four drawings in the Shop Small, Win Big program in partnership with @bankofamerica! šŸŽ‰
    There are still TWO CHANCES to win! šŸ’°
    1. Shop Small in Downtown Asheville šŸ›ļø spending $25 or more!
    2. Upload your receipt šŸ§¾ using the link in our bio
    3. Wait until Monday 12/16 for the next drawing šŸ™Œ
    Donā€™t forget to Shop Small, Win Big this holiday season! #a#ashevillea#ashevilledowntownassociationb#businessnews
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