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Waynesville Police:
Last week, The WPD received one-on-one training from retired Motor Unit Officers from the Orange County Sheriff's Office (FL). Mike Juett and Joel Tart volunteered their time and knowledge to the newly formed Motor Unit. We...
Waynesville Police:
Last week, The WPD received one-on-one training from retired Motor Unit Officers from the Orange County Sheriff's Office (FL). Mike Juett and Joel Tart volunteered their time and knowledge to the newly formed Motor Unit. We would like to thank both of these men for an incredible day of training.
We would also like to thank Tuscola High School for allowing us to use their parking lot. We look forward to putting these new skills to use in the coming months
#waynesville #waynesvillenc
#haywoodcounty #community #communitynews
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Join us for Bingo Night @ Smoky Mountain Event Center!! Tues August 13th & 27th!! Door prizes, 50/50, come have fun with us!! Enjoy dinner or dessert at our Apple Orchard Cafe!! $500 coverall guaranteed!! See Flyer for more details!!
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