Asheville -- February 25, 2024: Press Release Trilogy Investment Company 

Trilogy Co. enters the high barrier to development and booming Asheville, North Carolina market with three new Build-To-Rent communities located throughout the Asheville metro market.  The three Rệve Communities, located in Arden and the city of Asheville, comprise 267 rental townhomes across 35 acres.

The three Rệve communities represent the first fully zoned, entitled, and permitted purpose-built BTR communities in the city of Asheville.

The communities are conveniently located near Interstate 26 and State Route 191, with easy access to all that Asheville offers, including the Biltmore Estate and Biltmore Village, multiple mountains and the Asheville regional airport.

Trilogy Investment Co. looks forward to working with county representatives as it continues to develop these Asheville communities.

“With the huge lack of housing in the area, we’re excited to introduce attainable rental housing to an under-served market. We love the area and appreciate its natural surroundings,” said Jason Joseph, CEO and Partner with Trilogy Investment Co. “Trilogy Investment Co. has been working for nearly two years to accomplish the zoning, entitlement and permitting process that enabled us to enter in the Asheville market.”

“With more than 450,000 people living in Asheville MSA, these communities will address a huge lack of housing in the area,” said Joseph.

Construction is scheduled for Q3 2024, with pre-leasing beginning in mid-2025.

About Trilogy Investment Company

Led by a team of investment, development, and construction professionals, Trilogy Investment Company provides Build-To-Rent communities for residents seeking the stability and social benefits of home ownership but rent by choice or have been priced out of the competitive housing market

To learn more about Trilogy Investment Company, visit

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