Asheville: November 24, 2023: The City of Asheville: In a bid to breathe new life into a historic part of Asheville, the city is actively seeking an individual or team to spearhead the "Boosting the Block" project.

Set to extend the renowned area known as The Block between Eagle Street and Pack Square Park, this initiative is a transformative step towards revitalizing a historic Black business district and multicultural hub.

With a grant from the Mellon Foundation Monuments Project, the city is investing in the preservation and enhancement of The Block. The chosen individual or team, with a total budget of $180,000, will play a pivotal role in shaping a two-year plan for the project. Beyond physical development, they will act as a liaison, ensuring the engagement of The Block Collaborative in tandem with the concurrent Pack Square Design project and other Mellon Foundation components.

As key dates approach, interested parties are invited to a virtual pre-proposal meeting on November 28, 2023 (though not mandatory). Queries can be submitted until November 29, 2023, with bids due to the city by December 11, 2023. This strategic timeline aims to encourage thoughtful proposals and foster a collaborative approach to community development.

Situated just a block from Pack Square, The Block holds a cherished place in Asheville's history. The "Boosting the Block" project signifies not just an extension of physical space but a commitment to preserving cultural richness and fostering economic growth in this vital downtown district. 


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