We believe the best time to start a business is anytime.  An even better time to start a business is when you're YOUNG! 

Kids develop a brand, create a product or service, build a marketing strategy, and then open for customers at our one-day children’s business fair. 

We know Kidpreneurs are amazing people. They may be young but they are creative, visionary, talented, and very courageous!  

We will host up to 50 booths at our 1st annual event on Saturday, Nov. 25th (Small Business Saturday) from 1:00 pm - 4:00 PM. It will be held at Covenant Community Church located at 11 Rocket Dr #100, Asheville, NC 28803 which is on the campus of A.C Reynolds High School.

Booths are open to ages 7 - 17 and all products must be self-created (no re-sale of manufactured products).

Win cash prizes:
Best Booth Presentation $75
Most original products $75
Customer Interaction $75
Best Overall $100

The registration cost is a low $25.00 per booth thanks to the support of our sponsors. Each booth includes a 6 ft table and 2 chairs. 

This event is sponsored by Acton Academy and the generous support of our local donors and volunteers.  We all believe that principled entrepreneurs are heroes and role models for the next generation. If you are looking to mentor, sponsor, or volunteer please click here

Whether or not kids continue their journey toward becoming a business owner as an adult is not essential.  Kids who stretch out of their comfort zones will develop resilience, self-reliance, perseverance, and valuable skills to accomplish even bigger goals.

Thank You to Our Incredible Sponsors

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