Town of Lake Lure: June 27, 2024: Each summer, Town Council determines the drawdown schedule for the upcoming year.

The purpose of the Lake Drawdown is for dredging, inspections, assessments, testing, repairs, and maintenance.  

The Town of Lake Lure is in the process of installing a Reservoir Drain at the Lake Lure Dam. 

The Town of Lake Lure purchased a 72” Gate Valve and a 60” Jet Flow Valve that will serve as the Reservoir Drain. 
The valves have been specifically made for the Lake Lure Dam and will allow the Town to lower the lake level for maintenance and emergency situations.

Morgan Corporation is overseeing this project and you can see the work taking place at the Lake Lure Dam right now.   
This work includes a concrete bulkhead, metal portal door, and metal trash rack.
This equipment will be what seals off the Dam to install the 72” drain pipe and two valves. 
Divers are currently working in the area to complete this work and it is critical that boats remain outside this work area.
The Lake is being maintained on the low end of the Town's normal operating limits (between 989.5 - 990.5 mean sea level) as this work is being accomplished.

This project is scheduled to be completed by the fall of 2024.
The Lake Drawdown is scheduled to begin on 1/1/25.

Please secure all boats and personal property well in advance of the Lake Drawdown.
The plan is to lower the Lake to 20 feet below full-pond during this Drawdown.
It is estimated that the Lake will be lowered by about a foot per day.
The Town plans to prioritize the work that needs to be accomplished at the 20-foot drawdown level. 
Lake Levels may range between 4 - 20 feet below full pond during the Lake Drawdown.
All contractors must be out of the Lake by 3/15/25. 

The plan is to begin refilling the Lake to full pond on 3/15/25. 

For questions, please email

Town of Lake Lure

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