As spring arrives and you take advantage of the opportunity to be outside, work in the yard, or plant your garden, please remember the importance of pollinators and help them to help us!

Birds, Bats, butterflies, beetles, wasps, bees, and other small critters feed off the pollen and nectar of plants and transport pollen grains as they move. This transport is critical to pollinating other plants and crops and sustains our local farms, gardens, and natural landscape. Bees and other insects are particularly active in April- May, foraging for food, nesting, and pollinating.

Here's how you can help:

Decrease the frequency of mowing during April and May. A USDA study found that bee abundance increased when lawns were mown only every other week.

Choose an area of your yard that you let grow undisturbed to protect pollinator habitat. Alternatives to lawns can be incorporated into landscaping in select areas beautifully.  

Don’t mow stream banks and other buffer areas. They are beneficial habitats and protect water quality by filtering stormwater run-off and limiting erosion.

Reduce or eliminate the use of pesticides.

Plant a pollinator garden using native plants. The North Carolina Wildlife Federation NCFS habitat native pollinator plants
or local resources can help.

Check out The Whole Bloomin’ Thing Festival in Frog Level on May 11, 2024, to buy from local growers 

Buy local! Visit the Haywood Farmers Market on Saturdays, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., April 6-December 21, at the Shelton House – Hart Theater Campus.
 waynesville farmers market

Image Credit: Town of Waynesville

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