Ross Farm will host 420 Fest, it’s fourth annual Spring festival, taking place at 91 Holbrook Road, Candler, NC, 28715 on April 20th, 2024 from 12:00 PM to 4:30 PM.       

In addition to the beautiful greenhouses being open, guests are invited to enjoy live music, food trucks, curated vendors selling art, craft, CBD products, and much more in one of Asheville’s most remarkable locales.

Spring is in the air and we are ready to celebrate with the community! We are proud to have Appalachian Standard as our sponsor again this year. Appalachian Standard is our sister company and is one of the only vertically integrated, seed-to-sale hemp-growing operations in North Carolina. We are thrilled to announce a vibe session with Lauren Davis and the rest of the Farm Fam.

We will have an amazing line-up of local musicians and Bear’s BBQ will be on site with incredible food. We’ll have a fun mechanical bull and several artisans outside selling their beautiful wares, including App Wyld!

We’ll be raising funds for Boxers, Butts, and Other Mutts, who will have puppies onsite for adoption! And, of course, our greenhouse will be bursting with a plethora of new and glamorous plants.

The 420 Fest is free to enter. Parking is available on-site for $5. We will have SUPER convenient, free off-site parking with a shuttle bus just down the street, at…

509 Smokey Park Hwy
Candler, NC 28715

This lot is only 1 mile from the farm and shuttle buses will run continuously! It’s an easy, stress-free way to avoid the traffic and come join the party. This is an outdoor event.

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