Buncombe County -- Plan to join Buncombe County Public Libraries this spring for an outing filled with fresh air,

community, and reading together in our beautiful public parks. Our first Pages in the Parks event is this coming Saturday 4/6 at Lake Julian Park. Library staff will be in the pavilion to help people sign up for library cards and cheer you on with your reading.

All you need to bring is something to read and something to sit on. These events are free, open to the public, family-friendly, and as simple as it sounds: we gather and read together this spring!

Here are the options:

Saturday, April 6th, 2-4pm
Lake Julian Park
Saturday, April 13th, 10am-noon
Weaver Park
Saturday, April 13th, 1-3pm
Carrier Park
Saturday, April 20th, 2-4pm
Owen Park

Thank you to Buncombe County Parks and Recreation and the City of Asheville Parks and Recreation for their support!

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