Hendersonville -- March 8, 2024: Visit Hendersonville: Ready for some reel-y good times?

Whether you're a seasoned pro or just dipping your toes, Hendersonville is the go-to spot for all angling enthusiasts! Looking for a spot to cast a line? Here are some go-to spots:

If you love trout fishing, North Mills River is an ideal location for you! The river is home to a four-mile stretch of delayed harvest waters, which receive an annual infusion of 11,000 trout from NC Wildlife.

Take a short trip to the east side of Henderson County, which is only 20-30 minutes away from downtown Hendersonville, and discover some of the best fishing spots for anglers like Rocky Broad River, Cane Creek, and Clear Creek. These lesser-known locations provide exceptional stretches of hatchery-supported waters that guarantee a great catch. 

Insider Tip: Want to fish like a pro? Our destination is teeming with fishing guides (like Hendersonville Outfitters ) who know the ins and outs of Hendersonville's fishing scene. They'll help you hook the perfect catch and make your fishing experience even more fin-tastic!

Pack your gear, channel your inner angler, and join us in Hendersonville for a fishing escapade that's off the hook!

visit hendersonville

hendersonville outfitters

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