Henderson County -- Henderson County Government Community News

While the trees in our neighborhoods and on private property provide benefits and beauty to humans and wildlife, the care and maintenance of those trees falls on the property owner. Many questions and concerns about how best to care for trees and shrubs will be answered at a program on Monday, February 26 at the City of Hendersonville Operations Center, 305 Williams St. from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.

Steve Pettis, a well-known local expert will share knowledge and experience on the subject using visual and descriptive methods. Pettis is a long-time agricultural advisor in his role as Henderson County agent of the N.C. State Cooperative Extension. He will discuss how to plant a tree properly, how to prevent tree damage, the art of proper pruning, preventing common tree health problems, including wooly adelgid infestation, and more.

The program is sponsored by Hendersonville Tree Board in partnership with NCSCE and is open to the public at no charge.

Attendees will also learn how to apply to get free trees on private properties through the NeighborWoods program and hear details about the new Bradford Pear Bounty program, in which a new native tree will be given to replace a Bradford Pear tree cut down on your property.

For more information, please visit our website here

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