North Carolina State Parks: November 10, 2023 Due to increased fire risk, all backcountry campsites at 10 state parks in western North Carolina are closed effective today, November 10.

The closures will last through at least December 1. 

The affected parks are:

Crowders Mountain State Park
Elk Knob State Park
Gorges State Park
Grandfather Mountain State Park
Lake James State Park
Lake Norman State Park
Mount Mitchell State Park
New River State Park
South Mountains State Park
Stone Mountain State Park
Backcountry campers with reservations between Nov. 10 through Dec. 1 will receive a full refund. All other campers at the above state parks should be prepared and bring a portable camping stove or grill to cook their food.
When using a stove or grill, never leave it unattended!
For a full list of what is closed and what is open at these state parks, please click here

Image Credit: WNCTimes

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