National Forests in NC -- November 9, 2023: The Nantahala and Pisgah National Forests are now restricting campfires to ensure public health and safety and to protect forest lands and nearby communities.

The restrictions are effective immediately and will stay in effect until December 31, 2023, or until rescinded.

Given the elevated fire danger across western North Carolina, the Nantahala and Pisgah National Forests are prohibiting campfires outside of developed campground sites with campground hosts. Additionally, the use of fireworks or other pyrotechnical devices is prohibited year-round in all national forests.

While the use of commercially available fuel stoves, such as portable gas camp stoves or grills, is not prohibited, forest visitors are reminded to not leave stoves or grills unattended.

A campfire in a USDA Forest Service-provided metal fire pit, metal fire ring, or pole-mounted grill at a developed recreation area or campground with a camp host can still continue. Campgrounds on the Nantahala and Pisgah that have campground hosts at this time of year include Balsam Lake Lodge, Curtis Creek Campground, Davidson River Campground, Kimsey Creek Group Camp, Lake Powhatan Campground, North Mills River Campground, Sunburst Campground, Standing Indian Campground, and Wolf Ford Horsecamp.
Forest visitors are reminded to not block roads or gates and to respect any firefighting efforts in the area.
Please call your nearest ranger station if you have questions. You may access the fire restrictions order and other alerts on our website here

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