Hendersonville -- October 27, 2023: City of Hendersonville Join a guided exploration stroll along the projected Oklawaha Greenway extension into an area being developed as a future greenspace.

Already graced with ponds teaming with wildlife, healthy trees, and pollinator-friendly meadows, the future greenspace will be introduced.   

The event is scheduled for Sunday, November 5, at 2 p.m.  Mark Stierwalt, Hendersonville’s Public Works Superintendent, will lead the 90-minute walk, showcasing the City’s planned extension of Oklawaha Greenway along North Main toward a new greenspace bordered by Clear Creek.  Space is limited for the approximately two-mile trek.  Reservations must be made by Friday, November 3, by phoning Mac Brackett at 828-243-8117.  Details will be provided.  The walk, which is sponsored by Hendersonville Tree Board, is open to the public at no charge.

“The City has received several grants to build and design this projected route,” Stierwalt said.  “It will add approximately two miles to the Greenway, connecting it from the end of Oklawaha Greenway at Balfour Road to a greenspace along Clear Creek and Allen Branch.  We’re creating a plan for the new area, but this is a chance to get an early peak at the project.”

The proposed new greenspace, an 18-acre site at the confluence of Clear Creek and Mud Creek, is already is a well-groomed natural habitat that has been undisturbed for some time.  Waterfowl, birds, and other wildlife are there, as well as a healthy stand of trees and open meadows providing a haven for nature. The City is currently taking citizen input on the types of uses preferred for new and current parks and greenspaces.  

Hendersonville Tree Board, the sponsor of this educational event, is commissioned by the City of Hendersonville to provide advice on the selection and care of trees and shrubs.  The Tree Board also educates the public concerning the economic and aesthetic benefits of trees and shrubs for the community.  The Arbor Day Foundation has recognized Hendersonville as a Tree City USA for 30 years and the City has earned a Growth Award each year because of its high level of tree care.  The city also became a Bee City USA in 2015.     

 Phone Tree Board member Mac Brackett at 828-243-8117 by Friday, November 3, to make a reservation.   To learn more about Hendersonville Tree Board and its projects, visit the webpage at http://www.hendersonvillenc.gov/tree-board.  To learn more about the City’s Parks and Greenways survey, visit www.hvlnc.gov/cohparks.                

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