The City of Asheville has announced the following event: Karen Cragnolin Park Greenway Dedication

Join RiverLink and partners Friday, August 25, 4-6 PM as they dedicate the final segment of the greenway in the ribbon of parks along the French Broad River, at 190 Amboy Rd.

Enjoy free sno-cones, music and family-friendly activities beginning at 4:00 PM, and spoken word at 5:15 PM as we celebrate the remediation of this once contaminated property, and honor the life of RiverLink founder and community visionary, Karen Cragnolin. Then beginning at 6:00 PM, weโ€™ll migrate to HiWire Brewing AVL RAD Beer Garden for a refreshing beverage with Connect Buncombeโ€™s โ€œBrewing for Greenways.โ€

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