WNC -- The bear hibernation process is still ongoing in February. As their mothers take care of them,

newborn cubs continue to grow.

The end of hibernation needs to be prepared for right away! Do you still have in mind all the things you had planned to accomplish before spring? It's now or never to put those plans into action because bear alarm clocks are about to sound. Here is a list of potential bear-attractors as a quick reminder. Your objective is to tidy up, lock, and stow everything safely.

Need a better can or plan? Garbage Make sure bears can't get their paws on your trash by using bear-resistant containers, making your own solutions, and other precautions.


To a black bear, it's all food. The sense of smell dominates in bears. From more than a mile away, they can detect scents! In comparison to a bloodhound, that is superior by more than seven times. Don't reward bears with readily available food, beverages, or trash since bears are drawn to food and food odors.
You, your neighbors, and the bears should all be safe. Bears will be kept in the wild and away from your community if you and your neighbors keep your food and trash secure from bears. Please take the easy safety measures listed below.

1) Human food can be easily drawn bears' attention, including dropped snacks and picnic lunches. Never leave unattended food for humans outside. All leftovers should be collected and brought indoors. Please check Keep Bears Out for solutions for bear-proof food storage.

2) Recyclables and trash should be kept out of reach of bears and in bear-resistant containers or buildings so they can't smell or access them. 
As often as you can, but at least once per week, haul waste and recyclables to a permitted disposal site to prevent odor accumulation.
Recycling and trash collection? Never place your trash cans on the curb the night before if you have once- or twice-weekly rubbish pickup.

3) Composting Using one of the numerous available bins, tumblers, or outdoor containers designed to keep odors in and bears out is the safest method to compost in bear territory.

WNCTIMES by Marjorie Farrington

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