Summertime Fun on a Budget!
Summer is here! Let's talk about how to have fun and not spend alot of money!
1) I love this, even in a small space, it's a great idea! No beach, how about making one! Buy two inexpensive wading pools.
Fill one with sand, the other one with water, Get a couple of beach chairs and umbrellas, set a table up with snacks and drinks! I bet you would find yourself hanging out with the kids!
2) Backyard Camping: Tents don't cost alot and they are so easy to put up now! Put up some lights, some music, get some not too scary stories ready, some yummy snacks and drinks, you're all set!
3) Family Game Night, Outdoors! This is a great time to get out those board games! And card games, lik Uno, or if your kids are a little younger, just a fun game of Go Fish!
4) Setup a volleyball net! Get a ball and there you go! You can buy some inexpensive badminton set that includes the birdies, net and rackets and play badminton!
5) A trip to a dollar store or some stores have isles dedicated to cheaper outdoor fun stuff. Give the kids a little money and have fun picking out and paying for what they buy! Think about it, how often do kids even see money, let alone spend it!
6) Obstacle Course -- Setup an obstacle course: One idea, You can tape some balloons to lawn furniture, or a plastic slide and have your child crawl through it. Then place some hula-hoops on the ground and have your child jump from hoop to hoop to reach the next obstacle.
7) How about an old fashion sprinkler to cool everybody off! Be sure to video them to enjoy watching the fun later!
8) Paint rocks! Kindness rocks, let the kids spread positive messages, if they're younger, paint their favorite colors! Have them give them as gifts or place them around the yard or display them in the house!
9) Bowling! Remember this when you're at the dollar store or cheaper toys section in a store. This is an old, but fun game!
10) Outdoor finger painting! One idea is to get some old sheets, you can find some at a second hand store, too. Just let them go, spray the kids down when they're done!
Whatever you choose to do this summer at home, we wish you a happy, safe season full of lots of fun!
Wnctimes by Marjorie Farrington