City of Henerrsonville -- This year is the 20th Anniversary of the Bearfootin’ Art Walk and Auction!

The program started by Downtown Hendersonville, Inc and is now a program of the Friends of Downtown Hendersonville.
The program has raised over half a million dollars for local nonprofit organizations in the 20 years since it began, with $341,000 raised in the past 5 years!  

Help Hendersonville find these bears (Oh, and there were painted Apples and Goats for a few year, too!)

Fill out the form if you own a bear, or just spot one in the wild! (a link to the form and more information will be provided

2022 marks 20 years of Downtown Hendersonville's Bearfootin' Art Walk! Each year, the program combines local artists, nonprofits and the community to create an interactive art walk downtown, and raise funds for our community.  

2021 was the biggest auction to date, raising $102,000 for 20 nonprofit organizations.

Help Find the Bears!

Wnctimes by Marjorie Farrington April 7, 2022

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