Hickory, North Carolina has everything for everyone to enjoy the great outdoors!

Parks, Sports, Hiking Trails, Ziplining, Boating and more!

Beginning April 1, parks in the City of Hickory will be open daily from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
To make the most of available daylight, the City of Hickory modifies the hours of operation for all city-owned parks on a seasonal basis.
From April 1 to September 30, the park is open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. From October 1 to March 31, the park is open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Unless otherwise specified, Hickory parks are open 365 days a year. Please make appropriate plans for your outings.

For more information about City of Hickory parks, please call 828-322-7046 or visit www.hickorync.gov/city-parks

Did you know that the City of Hickory has almost 20 parks?  Warm weather is on its way! Be sure to check out these parks!

Go to this link to learn more and make your plans! City of Hickory Parks

"Hickory is bustling with visitors and tourism makes a large economic impact in our community,” said Mandy Pitts Hildebrand, Chief Executive Officer of the Hickory Metro Convention Center & Visitors Bureau.  "I envision tourism to be even stronger in the future with the new public amenities like the City Walk, Riverwalk, Book Walk, updated sports fields, and our impressive arts and culture organizations and productions, as well as our evergreen science, art, historic, aviation and furniture museums and centers.”

Wnctimes by Marjorie Farrington

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