Henderson County Tourism Development Authority  201 South Main Street t Hendersonville, NC 28792 t828.693.9708

Where are Fall Apple Harvest Trails in Hendersonville? Henderson County Tourism Development got all the info for you!

Fall-Apple-Harvest Trail 

The apple blossom season usually runs from mid-April to early May.
The apple harvest season runs from late August through October.
Begin at the Visitor Center at 201 South Main Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina.
TRAIL #1 25 Miles
0 Mi. From Visitors Center parking area, turn right onto Main Street, merge onto US 25 South at foot of
Main Street. After merging, get into left lane and turn left onto US 176.
2.5 Mi Turn left onto Upward Road.
4 Mi. First apple orchard is on the left.
At approximately 8 miles Upward Road becomes Ridge Road. Continue on Ridge Road as it
crosses Sugarloaf Road. Turn right onto Union Hill Church Road. At stop sign, turn left onto
Union Hill Road.
11 Mi. Turn Left onto Lamb Mountain Road - then right onto Pilot Mountain Road.
13 Mi. Turn left onto Gilliam Mountain Road. Cross Hwy. 64 onto St. Paul Road. North Carolina Justice
Academy is on the right. Further on to the left note St. Paul Episcopal Church and to the right
across road, the church cemetery.
16 Mi. Turn left onto Old Clear Creek Road.
22 Mi. Cross Terry’s Gap Road onto Fruitland Road (Fruitland Bible Institute is on the left). Continue
3 miles to Hwy. 64 - end of Trail #1.
Turn left to a roadside stand.
TRAIL #2 7.5 Miles
0 Mi. Begin at the intersection of Hwy. 64 and Gilliam Mountain Road.
2.4 Mi Turn left onto Sugarloaf Road
3.7 Mi Turn left onto Bald Rock Road.
6.6 Mi Turn right onto Gilliam Mountain Road
7.5 Mi Continue to Hwy. 64 - end of Trail #2.
Turn left onto Hwy. 64 to roadside stands.
TRAIL #3 16 Miles
Begin at the intersection of Hwy. 64 and Mills Gap Road
0 Mi. From Hwy. 64 turn right onto Mills Gap Road. Travel past Coston Cemetery Road and turn
right onto Bearwallow Road.
3 Mi. Turn left onto Old Clear Creek Road (giant cows on right!)
5 Mi. Turn left onto Apple Valley Road.
6.4 Mi Turn right onto Bearwallow road
7.5 Mi Turn left onto Mills Gap Road then right onto Hwy. 64. Follow Hwy 64 East to visit roadside
stands for Apple products or return to downtown Hendersonville and the Visitor Center.

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