Asheville Downtown Association brings you the Pritchard Park Summer Series each year! Make Your Plans Now!

Each summer, Asheville Downtown Association brings fun, family friendly events to downtown's Pritchard Park as part of the Pritchard Park Summer Series. All events are free and open to the public. All ages are welcome.

Hoop Jam: Tuesdays from June 4- August 6 from 5:30-7:30pm. Bring your own hoop and twist away or borrow one to try out. This event is in partnership with Asheville Hoops.

LEAF Community Arts: LEAF Community Arts' programming takes place each Wednesday, 6-7:30 pm, from June 5 through July 24. Join LEAF for cultural performances and crafts with Easel Rider teaching artists.

Singer/Songwriter Series: The Pritchard Park Songwriter Series brings local live music to the park every Thursday, 5-7 pm, from June 6 through August 1. Join us for intimate performances spanning various genres and musical styles.

Drum Circle: Since 2001, the beats and rhythms of the Asheville Drum Circle have pulled drummers, dancers and spectators into Pritchard Park for communal music enjoyment. Attendees are welcome to bring along their own drums and join in the fun. The Drum Circle takes place every Friday from 6-9:50 pm.

More info to come on the 2019 season. Note: All events are weather dependent with schedules and lineups subject to change.

Through a collaboration with presenting sponsor Echo Mountain Recording, all artists receive two hours of studio time as part of their compensation. Additional sponsors include Asheville FM and McGuire Wood and Bissette Law Firm. This series is also produced in partnership with the City of Asheville.

Pritchard Park Summer Series

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