North Carolina -- Prescribed fire is the planned use of fire under predetermined weather and fuel parameters to obtain

 specific management objectives. Smoke from prescribed

burning is one of the greatest single factors causing public concern. In general, #RxFire releases less heat and smoke than a wildfire, and the particulate matter produced is too large to get deep into the lungs. Prescribed burns are becoming a common hazard reduction practice, reducing wildfire risk which includes harmful wildfire smoke.

DYK that most southern states have either voluntary or mandatory smoke management guidelines for planning a prescribed burn? North Carolina is one of them.

The North Carolina Smoke Management Program is designed to lessen the effects of smoke from forestry-related prescribed burning on smoke-sensitive areas. While the North Carolina Prescribed Burning Act provides some liability relief for certified burners and landowners who are noncertified and burning 50 acres or less of their own land at one time, this protection is only granted if burners follow certain provisions under the law.

One of the provisions that must be followed is the current smoke management guidelines identified by the smoke management program.

N.C. Forest Service - Contacts 

County Offices
Your N.C. Forest Service county ranger is the key contact for programs and services we offer in your county. Would you like to have a forest management plan prepared for your property? Want to know if your timber is ready to harvest? Have a forest insect or disease problem? Want to know more about the Forest Stewardship Program or just want to know more about forestry in your county? Contact your county ranger to get started.


NC Forest Service

Image: WNCTimes


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