NCDHHS: COVID-19 By The Numbers North Carolina April 16, 2020
Raleigh -- North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services: April 16, 2020 COVID-19 Case Count
in North Carolina
Raleigh -- North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services: April 16, 2020 COVID-19 Case Count
in North Carolina
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — North Carolina will need more widespread COVID-19 testing, extensive efforts to track down people in contact with the sick and slowed case and hospital rates before movement and commerce restrictions can ease, Gov. Roy Cooper said on Wednesday.
Buncombe County -- Buncombe County Government: The show must go on, or in this case the story. While we are all diligently staying at home and avoiding mass gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic, Buncombe County employees are learning new ways to connect to the community.
Raleigh -- North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services: April 15, 2020 Covid-19 Case Count in North Carolina
Asheville Grown Business Alliance -- Supporting local businesses and workers is one thing each of us can do right now. We’ve set up this page with resources, key information, creative initiatives and contacts.
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — Deaths in North Carolina linked to COVID-19 have soared above 100, state officials said Tuesday, even as the increase in the number of positive cases may be slowing.
Raleigh -- North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services: April 14, 2020 Covid-19 Case Count in North Carolina
AP -- North Carolina’s governor said Monday that he could ease some coronavirus-related restrictions on businesses after April if social-distancing practices continue to slow the virus outbreak over the next two weeks.
Tryon -- Town of Tryon Press Release April 8th, 2020 For lmmediate Release
Unexpected passing of Fire Chief James "Tank" Waters (photo McFarland Funeral)