• Colors: Green Color

North Carolina -- May 31, 2023: In a move that has stirred controversy and drawn attention from firearm enthusiasts, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) issued a new rule on January 31, 2023, reclassifying firearms equipped with stabilizing braces as short-barreled rifles (SBRs).

Asheville -- May 28, 2023: A pedestrian was killed in a car accident that happened in North Asheville on Monday
early in the morning, is now being investigated by the Asheville Police.

Canton -- May 24, 2023: In a poignant moment of closure, the iconic Canton Paper Mill sounded its final whistle today at precisely noon, marking the end of an era for the town and the paper industry.

North Carolina -- May 24, 2023: In a recent ruling that has sparked widespread debate, the North Carolina Supreme Court upheld the state's controversial congressional district maps, providing a significant advantage to the Republican Party in the upcoming 2024 elections.

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