McDowell County -- Press McDowell County Emergency Management 12: 30 PM: North Fork Fire yesterday evening, which is now 40%

contained at 350 acres.

The North Fork fire is burning in areas of heavy damage from Hurricane Helene near the Woodlawn Community in McDowell County, NC. The fire is located east of Highway 221 and south of American Thread Road along the cliffs above the north Fork of the Catawba River in the U.S. Forest Service Grandfather Ranger District of Pisgah National Forest.

Yesterday, firefighters completed containment line construction and began burn out operations. Successful burnout operations through the late afternoon led to increased containment by removing the remaining fuel between the active fire and the firelines. In this firefighting technique, essentially “fighting fire with fire,” firefighters use drip-torches to light unburnt fuels near the firelines in small, controlled areas so that the fine fuels such as leaf litter and small branches are burnt. Removing the fine fuels means the fire is more likely to die out as it approaches the fire lines. Firefighters will continue these operations today as weather allows.
Today's operations are focusing on holding and improving firelines. Managers are monitoring rainfall predictions as wetter conditions move into the area this afternoon and evening. Predicted precipitation totals for the fire area are less than a quarter inch. This small amount of rainfall is not expected to fully extinguish the fire, especially in areas of heavy hurricane damage where piles of trees limit moisture from reaching the forest floor. However, the window of better conditions is expected to help increase containment today.
Smoke impacts are predicted to lessen throughout the day and into the weekend. However, localized areas of smoke may continue to impact smoke sensitive populations near North Cove, Woodlawn, Marion, and Lake James. 
Approximately 100 personnel from the U.S. Forest Service, North Carolina Forest Service, and McDowell County Emergency Management are on the ground assisting with the North Fork Fire today. Risk to homes and structures has lessened, and no structures are at risk at this time. 
The Mountains to Sea Trail between Hwy 221 and FSR 106, Bald Mountain Road (FSR 150) and Graveyard Mountain Road (FSR 149) remain closed for the safety of the public and firefighters. Recreationists are asked to avoid the area. 
The cause of the fire remains under investigation.
Update @ 3:12 PM The temporary bridge on Hwy 70 West near Curtis Creek Rd. is now open!
The NC Dept. of Transportation has notified McDowell County Emergency Management that the temporary bridge on US 70 West near Curtis Creek Rd. in Old Fort is now open.  Work continues on the temporary bridge on US 221 North near Mountain Paradise Campground.
Image: WNCTimes

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