Asheville On January 15, the FAA gave APD a Part 91 Certificate of Waiver or Authorization. This lets APD’s drone pilots fly drones Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) without needing visual observers.
They can operate at heights up to 200 feet above ground in Class G airspace and up to the limits set in UAS Facility Maps in Class C airspace. This approval establishes a new guideline for public safety drone projects across the country.
“This achievement reflects APD’s commitment to utilizing advanced technology to serve our community better,” said Mike Lamb, Chief of the Asheville Police Department. “ By utilizing state-of-the-art tools, we’re enhancing officer safety, improving situational awareness, and ensuring a safer environment for everyone in Asheville. 
The Asheville Police Department thanked local partners for working together and supporting new ideas in keeping our city safe.
Source: Asheville Police Department
Image: WNCTimes

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