Asheville City Offices Closed MLK Jr. Day, ART buses Run on a holiday schedule
Asheville -- January 14, 2025: Press Release City of Asheville: Asheville City government offices will be closed Monday, January 20, 2025
in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Here is a look at City services affected by this holiday.
Trash and recycling
Though City offices will be closed, Sanitation collection services will run on schedule. Residential trash and recycling will be collected as normal, Monday-Thursday, the week of January 20, weather permitting. The City’s Sanitation office will be closed on January 20. Any changes in collection due to weather will be announced via AVL Collects alerts and City media channels. Sign up for sanitation collection alerts and schedule changes with the AVL Collects app or at ashevillenc.gov/AVLcollects.
Residential brush collection is still limited to leaves or small sticks in paper bags or brush containers. Christmas trees will be collected for a limited time and should be placed away from storm debris. Storm debris operations will run on a normal schedule Monday January 20.
ART bus service
ART bus service routes and facilities will operate on a holiday schedule, which is the same as the Sunday schedule. Martin Luther King Jr. Day is one of seven days ART runs on a holiday schedule. For more route information or service alerts, visit RidetheART.com.
Asheville Parks & Recreation
Most Asheville Parks and Recreation (APR) parks and greenways are open from 6 a.m.-10 p.m. every day of the year, though some are closed due to extensive damage from Tropical Storm Helene. Please check ashevillenc.gov/parks for closed locations. Administrative offices and community center buildings are closed.
APR co-hosts a day of service with Burton Street Community Association, Hood Huggers International, and RiverLink from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Meet at Burton Street Community Center on 134 Burton St. and help beautify the neighborhood.
Community & Regional Entertainment Facilities – check
Harrah’s Cherokee Center - Asheville will be closed on Monday, January 20, and will return to normal business hours of Tuesday-Friday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm ET. For any event or ticket inquiries, please contact hello@harrahscherokeecenterasheville.com.
The WNC Nature Center continues to remain closed due to access road damage as a result of Tropical Storm Helene. Please visit www.wildwnc.org
Asheville Municipal Golf Course: Will be open during regular hours for play on the back nine only. Tee times can be booked at www.ashevillegc.com
Emergency response and water-related issues
Water Resources staff will be available for water-related emergencies 24 hours a day over the holiday weekend. Customers can call the customer service line at 828-251-1122 to report water-related emergencies, leaks, breaks, and no water calls.
All public safety services, including police, fire, and emergency response, will operate according to the normal schedule — 24 hours a day, seven days a week.